Sunshine makes me happy

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

wow! I seem to be melting.

Well, let me get all my whiney stuff out of the way right now. It's soooo hot in Texas! waaaah!
How about all that stuff going down in New Orleans? Sometimes you start feeling like that sort of thing--hundreds/thousands dying in natural disasters--doesn't happen in the U.S. any more, but God's creation is still way, way bigger than we are. It probably will always be. By probably I mean without question, of course. I'm praying for them victims. There's a bunch of refugees from N.O. in Longview right now. So I sit in my room with the A/C up and count my blessings, because God has been awesomely good to me! Nuthin' to complain about, seriously.

My computer just got here this afternoon, so if you wanna hit me up on AIM, now's your chance. Before now I was filling my time with editing my book. Not that I won't get that done now, of course!

And I gotta say: it is awesome to be back with my friends. Abbi, Ben, and Brianna all showed up to get me from the airport, and we went off for a Walmart run same night together. I missed them, and everyone else, and all that sort of thing all summer, not kidding. I'm looking forward to this semester lots and lots.

Hm. Still gotta get my class schedule all ironed out, but that's slowly getting done. Cool. I'm working on an evaluation of my summer to be posted later. It was, in short, exactly what I needed, though. For sure.


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