The only vehicle I've been in for the past 4 days has been a boat. I even took a boat to one of my odd jobs the other day. You see, the DOT has seen to take our perfectly fine, only road access, and remove it (hopefully with the intention of replacing it with another perfectly fine bit of road, but who knows) there are huge scrapers and dozers and thingies going back and forth, and I can see their tops over the fence and stuff.
So I'm supposed to finish my book this week, ish, and it's just about time for the exciting climax...not that I've been working diligently or quickly on it lately, but at least the other day I crested 50,000 words, which was my minimum size requirement. Part of me keeps thinking I need to keep expanding, part of me wants to launch right into the action and just wrap it up in another 10k or less...we'll see what happens. It was still cool to hit 50k.
Anywho, after this weekend--say, tuesday--I'll be driving home from da cottage (that apparently doesn't fill the definition properly, so I've been told, being neither "small" nor "cozy"), I'll be heading back to Grand Rapids.
Whoa. It just started dumping rain outside...hard. Cool. More rain just fell than we've had all summer, and I'm not even kidding.
Yeah, so after Grand Rapids, I fly down to LU for my senior year! on the 28th, remember. God's given me a lot of peace about all of this, but I'm still moderately bothered by the fact that I haven't ironed out my schedule yet. Well, I'll take care of it this week, right? Yeah.
Hope everyone who reads dis is doing great and feeling peaceful, for serious. Let tomorrow worry about itself.
So I'm supposed to finish my book this week, ish, and it's just about time for the exciting climax...not that I've been working diligently or quickly on it lately, but at least the other day I crested 50,000 words, which was my minimum size requirement. Part of me keeps thinking I need to keep expanding, part of me wants to launch right into the action and just wrap it up in another 10k or less...we'll see what happens. It was still cool to hit 50k.
Anywho, after this weekend--say, tuesday--I'll be driving home from da cottage (that apparently doesn't fill the definition properly, so I've been told, being neither "small" nor "cozy"), I'll be heading back to Grand Rapids.
Whoa. It just started dumping rain outside...hard. Cool. More rain just fell than we've had all summer, and I'm not even kidding.
Yeah, so after Grand Rapids, I fly down to LU for my senior year! on the 28th, remember. God's given me a lot of peace about all of this, but I'm still moderately bothered by the fact that I haven't ironed out my schedule yet. Well, I'll take care of it this week, right? Yeah.
Hope everyone who reads dis is doing great and feeling peaceful, for serious. Let tomorrow worry about itself.
Wow-- I hadn't checked your site in a while, and you posted a lot! Good to see and read. I hope you're doing well... it's about school time! I hope the year goes absolutely fantastically for ya. I miss you, James! Travel safe! We'll talk soon.
becky, at 10:07 PM
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