old enough...?
In case you missed the memo, I turn 21 on Saturday.
Feel free to leave gifts with my roommate, after threatening him sufficiently so that he does not eat them*
(*With apologies to my roommate)
In no particular order or level of helpfulness, here are some of my favorites to help you out.
My favorite...
Candy Bar: Snickers
Bird(s): Nuthatches, Kingfishers, Hummingbirds [various], ducks, and hawks
Dog(s): Corgis, Dachsunds, and whatever you happen to own ;) (excepting all black labs)
Thing in the sky: Eclipses, followed closely by nifty clouds and zeppelins
TV: the broken kind. Unless it's really big and free
Food: Homemade noodles and tacos. Eaten seperately
Gem: Opals, followed closely by sapphires. Unless you count girls' eyes, then those
Pop: Sprite, vault, canada dry, and verners
Shirt: I spent three days in a row this summer without one while I worked on my book...that rocked
Anyways, I don't know much about what to think about being 21 yet, but I'll say that the first 20 years of my life have rocked for the most part, and they seem to be increasing in general Rock...itude...so, here's to a lot more years, and stuff. Spent with cool people, preferably.
In general, less interesting fronts of life, I got my license renewed this afternoon; talked to a girl while I waited who was getting ready to go off to GVSU for a master's in occupational therapy, and had been through her undergrad stuff at really conservative colleges that fined her for going to movies or not wearing a skirt.
That reminds me...with everything I've seen about the state of the school system these days...homeschooling my kids (when there are some little people who fit that description, and no, there aren't) is looking better all the time. You can quote me on that in ten years, when that might be something I have to worry about, lol.
Feel free to leave gifts with my roommate, after threatening him sufficiently so that he does not eat them*
(*With apologies to my roommate)
In no particular order or level of helpfulness, here are some of my favorites to help you out.
My favorite...
Candy Bar: Snickers
Bird(s): Nuthatches, Kingfishers, Hummingbirds [various], ducks, and hawks
Dog(s): Corgis, Dachsunds, and whatever you happen to own ;) (excepting all black labs)
Thing in the sky: Eclipses, followed closely by nifty clouds and zeppelins
TV: the broken kind. Unless it's really big and free
Food: Homemade noodles and tacos. Eaten seperately
Gem: Opals, followed closely by sapphires. Unless you count girls' eyes, then those
Pop: Sprite, vault, canada dry, and verners
Shirt: I spent three days in a row this summer without one while I worked on my book...that rocked
Anyways, I don't know much about what to think about being 21 yet, but I'll say that the first 20 years of my life have rocked for the most part, and they seem to be increasing in general Rock...itude...so, here's to a lot more years, and stuff. Spent with cool people, preferably.
In general, less interesting fronts of life, I got my license renewed this afternoon; talked to a girl while I waited who was getting ready to go off to GVSU for a master's in occupational therapy, and had been through her undergrad stuff at really conservative colleges that fined her for going to movies or not wearing a skirt.
That reminds me...with everything I've seen about the state of the school system these days...homeschooling my kids (when there are some little people who fit that description, and no, there aren't) is looking better all the time. You can quote me on that in ten years, when that might be something I have to worry about, lol.
I won't eat the animals or inanimate objects. I promise. Snickers, however, will always be fair game. lol
ben, at 8:05 PM
Happy birthday a day late, Jameson! I miss you, man. You're all growed up! Sheesh. I'm feeling old now.
Have a grand Sunday!
becky, at 7:49 PM
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