Sunshine makes me happy

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Well, I sent off my last obligations to WJI the other night...and came right down to the wire doing it, as always. I think my final paper--about a Christian worldview framework for mathematics and the need for one in technical education--turned out pretty okay. If you're interested in it I'd be happy to email you a copy...just slip me a note to my email.

Now it's back to my book. If I can make money doing this, I will. It's been so long since I've been properly working on a book, and I had begun to fear I was no longer capable of it...but I am, and it's tons of fun too.

Anyways...I'm off for the next few days for another hike up the shores of Lake Michigan, starting where we left off last year in Glen Arbor. Bringing a camera this time, too. I'm really looking forward to it (And then of course, getting back to writing :D)

Man, school's approaching...blah!


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