Sunshine makes me happy

Monday, May 02, 2005

So, whassupwhitchooooo?


Well, I'll start with my weekend, which was excellent. uhm. Okay, my train of thought derailed for a minute...sorry. Well, I did a lot of hanging out with my goodest friends. I can't express how much I missed that for most of the semester. I feel like...yeah, I feel good about it. Leaving this year is gonna be really hard; both with with people graduating and just putting geographical space between myself and friends that I know I'll see come's hard. So, on Saturday we had a huge party thing at Darryl's house, with fire and food, and about two or three dozen people, and ultimate frisbee, and...stuff. I enjoyed it. I think the highlight of my night was the canoe ride we went on after was peaceful out there.

I picked up the newest Redwall book at the bookstore on Sunday, for something new to read on the flight home (that's on Sunday)...I think in general, Jaques is running out of ideas and getting rather formulaic, but I still enjoy his writing immensely. I also had a look at Wild at Heart, which I'm going to pick up once I get home. Things I think I ought to learn in there...Leastwise it looks like it. Something that weighs in my heart is treating the women in my life the way they deserve.

So anyway...Finals started off Monday with two of my toughest classes--Heat Transfer and Mechanics of Materials--right in the morning, with Engineering Project Management in between. EPM's a good class but in terms of difficulty level it's sort of a joke. In actuality, none of those exams wound up being hugely difficult, and I pulled off a 95% on M&M, giving me a solid B in that class, which is so sweet. Praise God, yo. Seriously. I think I get to keep my scholarships now.

So tomorrow I have two finals, stats and Mech & Kin, which I don't forsee horrible issues with, and a final paper for Organizational Culture, which I'm working on today. Packing out of here is gonna be terrible, though. Ugh. And Even though I don't fly out until Sunday, there will be girls moving into our dorm on Saturday night, which in my opinion is messed up...hah. My dorm!

I figured out what's gonna happen this summer...besides not getting a job...and it's this:


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