Sunshine makes me happy

Friday, November 12, 2004

Dum Dum Fatalities

So, tonight I got back to the quad before the G2 soccer game and they were shooting dumdum suckers out of PVC pipes at the plaque in the lounge with lung power. The dumdums fly through the air and explode on the plaque, and it's cool. However, you know me, and before I know it we had a 4-foot length of PVC duct-taped to the barrel of my autococker. I cranked up the velocity to about 450 feet per second and we started shooting dum was so crazy, they practically appeared on the plaque, exploding, as the gun was firing, they went so fast. Except TJ didn't aim real well and he drilled the wall but good a few times. Whoops. Anyways we filled the whole darn lounge with this weird smell of shrapnelized dumdums (the ones that hit the plaque after being fired from the gun sorta baked on to it...I think from the impact heat being released....)...and lots of yummy bits and pieces, which we had to vacuum. It was crazy awesome, like the awesomest thing ever.

Anyway, then we went to watch G2 play soccer, but the other team forfeited, so I goofed off with their players and we wound up playing girls vrs. guys and I found out just how good those gals really are. They are pretty good. Some are better than me--but not faster, so it sorta settled out in my favor. Oh well. God made guys and girls different (thank goodness!)

Also, the paintball team is now running and exercising 'til we drop every night of the week at ten on the back soccer fields to get in shape for the tournament in New Orleans at the beginning of December. Blah, tired. I just got an email from my awesome grandmother telling me to read psalm 25, so that I shall do followed by bedtime!


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