Sunshine makes me happy

Saturday, October 30, 2004

The eclipse that I didn't forget!

It was way too late to blog about by the time I got back from it, so I guess I'll just do it quick now...

There was a full lunar eclipse a few days back. Abbi told me about it in advance, so I was ready...I headed over to the Rockwell-Collins presentation (skillfully missing Shroud, who wanted to discuss putting LU Blues in the paper--which we are! see ) and as it was getting over with I ran outside, bringing various people along, and by that point the moon was half-eclipsed. I wound up meeting a couple of folks up on the berm and was all sat on the concrete and watched and talked...the moon didn't so much fade away as just go this nifty, marlike tint. It was certainly fascinating. I went back to the room since it was supposed to pretty much just stay that way for about an hour, and then headed back out to watch the second half--the "uneclipsing", as it were. The moon looked like it had a huge smiley face for a while as the shadow crept up and away from it. We just sat and talked while that happened for oh...two and a half hours...after the moon was done with its thing we just watched clouds, and also this really big owl that came by to inspect us. Owls are pretty amazing creatures. It was a long time to spend so late at night when there was homework waiting to be done...but it was worth it. It was restful; and true rest is something I am striving to get more of.


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