Sunshine makes me happy

Thursday, November 04, 2004

combos are a comfort food

So, it's after a hard soccer game, I'm making inroads on my thermodynamics homework, and my tummy is a little rumbly. I look down, and there, half-hidden in a box from grandma, a bag of pizza-flavored combos.


I think it's safe to say I really appreciate food. Good food makes me feel better. Bad food makes me feel worse. One type of ideal night, in my estimation, is spent alone in the kitchen with something good to eat--and plenty of it--beneath a solitary light, reading a good book. Mmm. And you've gotta have orange juice is proof that God loves me. Oh yes.

In other news, the soccer game was a lot of fun. I especially enjoyed knocking other players around a lot and stuff. Why move the ball away from someone when you can move them away from the ball? Ben and I have resolved to start running, because we're mighty fast how much faster will we be if we actually exercised? Who knows? But right now I'm in that sort of dreamy half-tired but not sleepy sorta torpor. I find it's actually pretty good for getting homework done...but I'm not sure why.

Another highlight of my day: explaining to Josiah what, precisely a phallic symbol is (he was upset that his painting of the belltower with the inscription "ding dong" on it was removed from display, and didn't know why). I thought it was kinda cool, but also amusing, that he'd never heard of that before. (James always making sure he takes care of his friends...)


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