Sunshine makes me happy

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

crazy hot

The weather has been as confused as it's been confusing lately. It's been overcast, too hot, and muggy as anything. I swear, I've never seen it like this here before--and all the more weird in light of the fact that about a week ago it was settling into a very comfortable cool sort of idea. This morning, as I skated along, I was reminded of nothing so much as standing before a deliciously cool mister fan; then it got up to 80 degrees and the air turned into one of those pillows you see people getting asphyxiated by in the movies. Honestly...I mean the other night, it was 90 out. That is not right. Any God-fearing, proper bit of weather this time of year ought to at least be cold, like what I'll be flying back to this weekend for Grandpa Boo's funeral.

It was a great week, therefore, for the AC to be out in two of the three wings of our dorm. Thankfully not ours...


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