Montana, and stuff
Montana is a pretty interesting place. It kinda reminds me of someplace like Nebraska, only everything got rumpled and rocky. Cities are few and far between, and they are not for the most part very big that I've seen. But there is lots of distance to look at, and neat things in it sometimes.
I've been at a cabin in Wise River, which is sort of in the south-west bit of the state. Taking care of my cousin has been going pretty well...I am developing empathy for housewives, heh. Basically I get up in the morning and do things with him while my uncle is out guiding customers for the fly-fishing resort. I've learned to fly fish pretty okay, but I still have a ways to go. I am decent at casting now, and at getting the fish to strike at the fly (which is supposed to be the hard part) but so far I can almost never set the hook and actually bring one in. Oh well. Fly fishing is really neato, honestly. Getting a long bit of wiggly line to not only land in the right place, but to use it to make the fly (which has to look just right) float just right, in the right sort of place, is totally an art/science unto itself. And then there's catching the fish you've fooled into sucking your fly down. I've also had time to drive up into the middle of nowhere and hike a few times.
In my off moments I've been working on the story which follows the one I wrote last summer. I'm about 10k words in so far. Still no word from the publisher that has my story, but I did find out that it is at least actually in the queue waiting to be read. So that's good. Other than that, I've been missing the internet (just got dialup set up to our cabin) and the friends I talk to through it, of course. I've been so occupied trying to keep track of my cousin, keep the cabin clean, make food, etc., that I've got plenty to do anyway.
Some pictures!:
Some mountain goats that were in no particular hurry to get off the road...
1/2 of the total fish I have landed while fly fishing...

One of the rivers we've been fishing in.
If you email me I might take some time to get back to you, and I'm sorry about that, but internet is questionable out here. meh! Email me anyway and I will <3 you always.
I've been at a cabin in Wise River, which is sort of in the south-west bit of the state. Taking care of my cousin has been going pretty well...I am developing empathy for housewives, heh. Basically I get up in the morning and do things with him while my uncle is out guiding customers for the fly-fishing resort. I've learned to fly fish pretty okay, but I still have a ways to go. I am decent at casting now, and at getting the fish to strike at the fly (which is supposed to be the hard part) but so far I can almost never set the hook and actually bring one in. Oh well. Fly fishing is really neato, honestly. Getting a long bit of wiggly line to not only land in the right place, but to use it to make the fly (which has to look just right) float just right, in the right sort of place, is totally an art/science unto itself. And then there's catching the fish you've fooled into sucking your fly down. I've also had time to drive up into the middle of nowhere and hike a few times.
In my off moments I've been working on the story which follows the one I wrote last summer. I'm about 10k words in so far. Still no word from the publisher that has my story, but I did find out that it is at least actually in the queue waiting to be read. So that's good. Other than that, I've been missing the internet (just got dialup set up to our cabin) and the friends I talk to through it, of course. I've been so occupied trying to keep track of my cousin, keep the cabin clean, make food, etc., that I've got plenty to do anyway.
Some pictures!:

One of the rivers we've been fishing in.
If you email me I might take some time to get back to you, and I'm sorry about that, but internet is questionable out here. meh! Email me anyway and I will <3 you always.