ohhh, THERE's the light thingie at the end of the tunnel.
Classes are over now. It was so great on about Wednesday when I suddenly realized that everything I needed to do fit on one little list, and it was a list that was steadily declining in size.
I'm gonna list what's left (partly to refresh my own memory, sorry)
- Write a 12-16 page paper on the Christian Philosophy of Engineering
- Finish designing a Digital Audio Amplifier circuit board
- Finish the Vibrations take-home exam
- Present some stuff for Senior Design on Tuesday
- Take the Microprocessor final Wednesday
- Pack up, pack out, and leave @ 6:30 AM Thursday
I can't believe it's so close now. This whole year has gone...well, not quickly, it's been arduous, and yet I really felt good inside this year in a lot of ways. There are some things I dropped that I need to pick up again, yes. But I also laid some stuff to rest that needed to be. Time to move forward -- Grad School? Maybe. I'm not sure, but I'm applying anyway. The more I think about it the more I honestly believe writing would be a sweet career in every aspect but the money-making area. I mean, I think I'm a great writer (and you should too!), but you have to be a writer that caters to the masses juuuust right in order to make money at writing. Who knows? Maybe I can. Maybe not. If I can get used to the idea of being poor for a long time, I think I might give it all a shot.
Anyways, I also saw Narnia this afternoon, and I must say, if you take how bad the BBC movie was, that is how good the new one is. 1/BBC = New. Yeah. I was on the border of tears a lot and half the time I wasn't even sure why. It just feels meaningful. And good. And the White Witch did some awesome duel-wielding swordsmanship, which I thought rocked.
Man, I should also mention that I really want to get home...It's time to be done with school for a while and there's people I really want to catch up with. Plus kitties, snow, and hopefully ice hockey. And cute people!?!
It'll be a short break, though -- two weeks in Grand Rapids, and then I'll be off to St. Louis for a week to intern at a marketing firm. Should be interesting, could be fun...
To bed with me! And good day to you :D
Thank you for approving of my boots. I just might purchase them this week. See you maybe this weekend! Yay GR! - Megan
Anonymous, at 10:44 PM
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