Sunshine makes me happy

Monday, April 11, 2005

Hey, hey.

Well, this was a pretty long weekend. The field that hosted the tourney last week--which we took second at, more on that in a minute--offered us free everything to come back and play, so we drove all the two hours out to Dallas Saturday morning and did. We got shot up a lot, shot a lot; it was good and challenging. Today I worked on our mechanics of materials stuff a lot. I have a great deal to get done before we leave for nationals on Thursday.

Now, speaking of that tournament, we took second and it was so rediculous, because the only game we lost of 11 games was the last one, and that was enough. But we just looked at the rankings that got updated and it says we got first at that tourney. Now, it could be two things...A) they made a mistake, or B) UNO gave up first for some reason. We don't know quite what's going on yet, but a mistake seems darned unlikely. We did play really awesome; I mean, we raan roughshod over just about everyone just about every game. With that first place, our team is ranked SECOND in the U.S. Which is darn awesome. On the other hand, it means people will actually pay attention to us at nationals next weekend. Oh well. Carpe Diem, baby. Sometimes I do that.

Mum is coming to visit this week! I'm excited about that. Tuesday morning, she's coming in...This is the longest stretch I've ever been away from home and I'm not toooo pleased about it. I'm firmly now of the opinion that most places in the world pale in comparison to Michigan in the long run (for short term visits, I'm open to other suggestions), but yeah, I wish I was home. School is nearly done anyway which I can't doggone believe, and durned if I don't have plenty to get done just to prove it. Anyways, Mum'll be here til Friday, and I'm only here til Wednesday, so I guess she can play with everyone else that's here, or just kick it at the hotel for a bit and relax.

Hm, what else...well, I found two anoles in various bushes today. Not often that you see them, though I'm sure I miss plenty because they're camoflagued little guys...I tried catching one, but he just went further into the bush and eyed me, like, "What're you doing? Now see here, mister!" So that was nifty. They're cute little dudes.


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