Sunshine makes me happy

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Easter weekend

Something pretty odd happened on Thursday...I was all supposed to drive up to Becky's for Easter with a really good chunk of my buddies, but Thursday afternoon I started getting what I can only describe as a "bad feeling" about going. I felt a little sick anyway, and I was weighing all the things I needed to get done against how much it would rock to spend Easter with my friends, and I just decided to stay. I prayed about it a lot, yes, for peace about staying...all I got was a worsening feeling about going. That really doesn't happen to me often. Almost as soon as they left I felt better about life, for the most part.

It was all sort of weird, really, I don't know what all exactly was happening. Sometimes you think God is telling you something when that happens, but sometimes (oftentimes?) it's just you. It usually takes time to tell.

Tell you what though, I miss those people this weekend...I think I'm dealing with a very mild bit of seasonal affective disorder just lately, or maybe for a while and it was masked over by other stuff and now it's out...which wouldn't surprise me entirely. It's getting sunny again, and I'm doing my best to think happy thoughts and keep working. It's less like I feel down and more like I just don't feel like accomplishing anything. Maybe those are the same. Right now I wish somebody'd sign in on AIM that I wanted to talk to. I'm able to say that I've got lots of friends here, good friends I guess, but I've only been able to really invest in a handful of people, a few that are pretty much out of the picture now, some that will be soon, and some I don't get to see enough of any more...things are always changing, people especially, myself especially, who knows. Been hangin with some good buddies this weekend anyways. Good times.

Here's to another week.


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