Sunshine makes me happy

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Thoughts on being home.

I realized something rather odd the other day. Right now, I'm just who/what I wanted to be...back in high school. Make what you will of that. Now I just need to work on being what I want to be in college before it's time to leave that, although I think it might be a while.

Being home has been awesome so far. Hanging with friends, working on some stories and drawings, and so forth have been chief occupations of my time. I picked up the Puppy album by Fluke, which has a very cool sound. We've been cooking things as well, and my yummy olive balls are gonna get made soon for Christmas...I may have to post the recipe later for all the aspiring cooks out there.

Today my uncle Stuart, aunt Megan, and cousins Jono and Livvie got here from Montana and brought some most excellent vennison with them taht we ate for dinner...and aside from keeping the kids motivated--Jono in particular reminds me greatly of Edgar Poe--we've already been sledding and ice skating. The skating was sweet--Had to go get some skates and shovel off the ice, but it's good ice. This is the first ice worth skating we've had in years, even if it's a bit thin right now (it kept forming cracks through our skating area)...We have a small barn with a wood-burning stove to keep it warm where the iceboat lives and so forth, and it has a light on it to illuminate things for night skating. We may get back out there again.

I can't wait for Christmas...not so much for the presents, which I frankly don't mind any which way about any more. I just really enjoy being together with everyone. I can be a very social creature, even if I like having time to myself too. Well, I'm sure you knew that.


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