Sunshine makes me happy

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

(so close I could touch it...)

Thanksgiving is nearly here oh boy!

I've actually had a very good week from an academic standpoint. Some tests and so forth back with nice grades on them, and I got my Romans draft turned in, and two tests over with, and a short day tomorrow followed by a nice relaxing car trip to Oklahoma. Who cares if I've got a paper to write and one to revise over the break? Not me!

Also, I think everyone should know that my RA is awesome...he wrote me a nice card and left in my keyboard so I could find it. I appreciate you too, Jimbo! *just a small punch*

Tonight marked Zippy and Julie's birthday celebration so we trotted over to Bodascious Barbeque and filled our tummies with meat and hung out and talked...and when we got back, Jimbo serenaded the ladies on his saxaphone, and I introduced the activity of running, jumping, flying into the mattress against the wall, and bouncing off again. Several people (myself included...bah) fell at least once, and we video'd most of it anyway...woo.

Also, here's an interesting comic strip...


Sinfest has a lot of rather sacreligious content but I thought this one touched something...
Anyways, my homies are awesome and I can't wait to spend Thanksgiving with them. Peace out 'til Monday!


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