Sunshine makes me happy

Saturday, October 09, 2004

cursed rain, but okay

Sounding negative too often really isn't my thing...but if there is ANY weather that I really don't like, it is the kind molesting my eyes outside the window right now...breezy, drizzly, cold, and gray.

If it were just rain, that would be okay. But this weather seems engineered to be specifically unpleasant. Oh well. It might be nicer tomorrow. And it does make me appreciate the sun a little more. As if I could appreciate it more!

My mint likes the sun almost as much as I do, and it likes water more than I do...right now it's poking its head through the shades, as if that might earn it a little more sun. Sorry, it's not even out right now!

Also, if I look thoughtful or anything like that lately, it's probably because my grandfather Pray died in his sleep of cancer rather unexpectedly on Thursday. I'm not fishing for pity here, I'm just getting that out in the was unexpected, though, and I think prayers--especially for my family in general--would be appreciated the most. A few folks have really helped me out in this matter and I appreciate that greatly. The Lord has really given me peace on this matter, praise His name. And there is NO doubt about where grandpa is right now, which really makes it all better anyway. I'll see him again. I hope you will too.


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